Our Board and Staff


Jim Dyment
Executive Director

Massachusetts College of Art and Design ‘00 · Graphic Design
University of Massachusetts Lowell ‘86 · Mathematics
Former writer for Artscope Magazine


Gayle Jervis

GID Investment Advisers -- paralegal and assistant to owner
Volunteer at Merrimack Repertory Theatre


Joanne Shea
Office Assistant

Volunteer at St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Former Administrative Assistant at Lowell Association for the Blind


Board of Directors

Joanne Bergamini, President
Michael H. Lally, Vice President
Karen Sennott, Secretary
Nancy Van Alst, Treasurer

Carolyn Alphen
Katy Barry
Susan Beaudoin
Christopher G. Hayes
Monica Kanellas
Erin Noonan-Descoteaux
Matthew Reed
Johanna Bohan Riley
Peg Shanahan

"To walk into all
The expressions
Of creativity, to feel
The joy of the artists themselves and
The bond they share.
It holds you there:
I don't want to leave."

-- Kathy Muldoon, Director Emeritus (June 2013 - June 2016)