Zeitgeist Gallery
167 Market St.
Lowell, MA 01852
Zeitgeist Gallery Presents...
The Message is the Medium: Prints, Propaganda and Persuasion
October 2 – November 2 2013
Artists' Reception: October 26, 6 - 9 pm
Special Demonstration:
Sunday Oct. 13, 2 - 4 pm
Bringing together regional and local artists, and expressing strong opinions, we celebrate the ability of printmaking to communicate important ideas.
The printing of posters and broadsides has long been a means to broadcast political ideas and viewpoints. The process of printmaking, in the hands of artists and activists has produced a vital and compelling stream of graphic works – cheaply produced and readily available, in the form of pasted posters, reproductions and handouts. This tradition of printmaking as a conduit for ideas and ideologies, as “art for the masses” still persists and this exhibit celebrates the printmakers who continue to work in this vein.
Contact: Mary Hart mjhart206@gmail.com or zeitgeist167@gmail.com for more information
Find out more about the Zeitgeist gallery by clicking HERE. |