The Brush Gallery & Artists' Studios Presents...
September 14-October 27
Opening Reception: September 14, 2 - 4 pm
Closing Reception: October 26, 1 - 3 pm
Participating Artists:
Christiane Corcelle
Lori Demartin
Laurie Hartwick
Susan Stranc-Jaworski
Jean Winslow, curator
Related Events:
Papermaking demonstration: September 21, time 1 - 3 pm.
A demonstration of making paper from sustainable, natural and recycled materials.
Studio II, 256 Market St. (across from Brush)
by May Babcock and Jeri Lowe
Monoprint workshop: October 5, time 1 - 2 pm.
Studio II, 256 Market St. (across from Brush)
This event celebrates the rich history and legacy of printmaking. It is part of a city-wide exposition celebrating the art of printmaking and is a featured event of the Boston Printmakers Biennial. The five printmakers featured in this show share their unique personal images, drawn from their expertise in the use of age old techniques, method and materials - often applied in innovative ways.
Since early times humankind has shown a strong desire to communicate through mark making, from transfers on the walls of caves to early scrolls, books and pamphlets. With the invention of paper in the fifth century and later the printing press in the fifteenth century, printmaking has enhanced social and individual enlightenment and been at the core of cultural advancement, allowing greater access to information for an increasingly literate population. With the advent of artists like Durer and Rembrandt, printmaking began its evolution from a decorative and practical craft to a fine art, providing artists with a powerful means of personal, social and political expression.
We now find ourselves at the threshold of a future full of new possibilities, one where we can draw from the rich traditions of the past while setting our sights on new frontiers ahead - free to go beyond printmaking’s roots as decorative and communication art to the unbinding possibilities of printmaking as an art of creative exploration and innovation for personal and social expression.