brush gallery

Four By Four For Education

Who Does This Benefit: The Four By Four raises funds for the Brush Gallery's UMass Lowell Art Scholarship. This scholarship is granted to a deserving University of Massachusetts student majoring in the visual arts. This event also partially funds art education for challenged adults through our Special Perspectives program.

The Requirements: We are asking visual artists to create one 4 inch by 4 inch work of art. The Brush Art Gallery will provide you with one 4" x 4" blank, stretched canvas. You may create whatever you wish with whatever media and materials you like. If you need to remove the canvas and replace it with fabric, metal, paper, etc., please do so.  The only restriction is that you must use the 4" x 4" wooden stretchers and the outer dimensions of the finished work may not exceed 4” x 4”. We regret that we cannot pay you for your time, but invite you to attend the fundraising event as our guest. Limit: 1 canvas per artist. 

Deadline for submission of completed canvas: Wednesday, June 30th at 4:00 pm.

Exhibition of 4 x 4s: Tuesday, July 13 - Thursday, July 22, 2021.

Online Fundraising Event: Friday, July 23

Please enter the information below. All fields are required. We NEVER share your information.

State:   (2 character state code)
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(Mailing option not available after June/16!)

by June/16

I agree to return this completed work no later than Wednesday, June 30th at 4:00:   Initial Here:

**Pick up days/times: Tue - Sat, 11 - 4 pm.